Retail Start-Ups

Retail Start-Ups

Over the last few years, we have observed a fast growth of startups which has done wonders to its economy in terms of growth and job creation. Some of them have been extraordinarily successful while a few others are on a steep learning curve when it comes to adapting their business models to market needs. Retail business owners and new retail entrepreneurs need to start and manage their businesses successfully. Starting a new business comes with a vast amount of difficult requirements and challenging tasks.

RetailCode provides unique expertise that blends diverse innovative experience, real business acumen and practical solutions. We Help retail start-ups with proven retail fundamentals and making sure business succeeds. We provide the retail start-up with essential details to help with the unavoidable learning curve; we help define the viable niche with clarity and focus, support the start process with detailed checklists, and develop effective operating procedures, and establish critical budgets and benchmarks.

Retail Start-Up Services

  • Vision & Values Development
  • Market Potential, Gap analysis & Positioning
  • Business Model & Business Plan
  • Concept Development & Retail Format
  • Product & Category Management
  • Organigram & Manpower
  • Retail Operations Process Design
  • Exit strategy

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